
Standing in the Gap update

I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority that we may lead peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  I Timothy 2: 1-2  I want to thank all those who follow and have followed this blog to uphold the state of Oregon in prayer. I will be taking a break for the summer, but hope you will continue to pray for Oregon. As one option, the 24.7 Oregon Strategic Prayer call meets every Friday at noon.  Zoom Link: 999777    Meeting ID: 5419997777 Password: 999777 Blessings to all prayer warriors, and thank you for your support.  Margaret Mills

Pulling Down Strongholds - North West Region - Washington County

Cherry Grove Church, Washington County, OR Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31: 8-9. In writing about many counties in Oregon, the problem with sheriff and police departments being understaffed has come up repeatedly. There has been a problem with officer shortages in many places, putting stress on the already overworked law enforcement staffs. With higher than average turnover among the police, this has been a problem for the past five years. Recently Governor Kotek and the DPSST (Department of Public Safety Standards and Training) announced that the police training backlog has been eliminated. They have increased the number of officers who can be trained and reduced the time to wait for Basic Police training. Less than a year ago, the legislature voted for additional resources and supported a concerted effort to reduce the shortage. This is good new

Pulling Down Strongholds: North West Region - Multnomah County

Latourelle Falls In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6 Many prayers have gone up for Multnomah County and the City of Portland. We wrote about an early minister, Archie Word of the Montavilla Christian Church established in about 1915, and his impact on the community. You can read more about Archie Word and his church here . Read more about the area  here , and here .  We have been thinking about the power of prayer, specifically the Prayer of Agreement, and aligning with those pioneers who prayed over the region before us. It has been challenging to locate recorded prayers over Oregon, but they do exist. We will keep searching. In the meantime, one type of prayer that is recorded is those said by legislative chaplains during the opening ceremonies for the legislature. On the federal level, the chaplains’ prayers are archived and easily found online. State accounts are more difficult, but one that was not only recorded but made news across t

Pulling Down Strongholds: Oregon North West Region - Clackamas

Pray for Oregon families For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.                                  II Corinthians 10:4 We have come full circle yet again, and have covered the 36 counties of Oregon over the last few weeks. While a county-by-county focus has brought an organization and focus to our prayers, it seems time to delve deeper into other areas. The North West Region includes Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, and Columbia Counties and we will be exploring parts of this area. We still want to focus prayer on a specific county each week. This week we are back in Clackamas County. At this point (we just had the primaries and the November election is in a few months) the County Commissioners are: Tootie Smith , Paul Savas , Martha Schrader , Mark Shull , and Ben West . The County Sheriff is Angela Brandenburg . You can read previous blogs about Clackamas County here , here , here , and here . Clackamas County,

Continue to Stand in the Gap: Tillamook County

Cloverdale Church, Tillamook County, OR And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. Isaiah 32:18 Tillamook County, just south of Clatsop, is a continuation of the romance and mystery of Oregon’s north coast. It is believed to be one of the first places Sir Francis Drake set foot on the West Coast, and there are fascinating stories of buried treasure and shipwrecks from the 1600s. Neahkahnie Mountain, a headland between the counties of Clatsop and Tillamook, was considered a sacred place by the Tillamook Indians. There have long been rumors of treasure buried there by Spanish sailors, as well as a shipwreck that left huge amounts of beeswax and pottery along the beach just south of the headland. It wasn’t just the Spanish who washed up at the foot of the sacred mountain – Japanese junks and sailors are also rumored to have landed there. Tillamook County, OR Modern-day Tillamook County offers lush rural farms and communitie

Continue to Stand in the Gap: Clatsop County

Astoria-Megler Bridge Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you coastlands and you inhabitants of them! Isaiah 42:10 Clatsop County has to be one of the most romantic and historically interesting counties in Oregon. The Lewis and Clark Expedition ended their trek and spent the winter of 1805-06 along the Clatsop County coast. The first settlement in the Pacific Northwest, Astoria, was carved out of the wilderness by the men of John Jacob Astor’s expeditions in 1811 – one overland and one on the ill-fated Tonquin, a ship that sailed around the Horn, but then was attacked by Native Americans north of Astoria and blown up by one of the sailors to prevent the natives from gaining control of it. Fascinating history includes the stories of the maritime trade before the advent of steamboats, and the kidnapping and shanghaiing of men to sail the ships. There are tales of shipwrecks, and lost treasure – The

Continue to Stand in the Gap: Hood River County

Mt. Hood and Hood County, Oregon Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals. Psalm 36:6 Hood River County is the last of the North Central Region of Oregon as we head west into the Willamette Valley. The town of Hood River is the county seat. The county is the second smallest in land area in the state and was established in 1908. This county is known for many things, including a great deal of charm and beauty. The famous Barlow Road was built here, the first alternative created to the original Oregon Trail and the final treacherous ride down the Columbia River to the Willamette Valley. Oregon’s iconic Mt. Hood is in Hood River County, along with Timberline Lodge. The interior of the county is known for fruit orchards and farms, and the scenic route along the Columbia River for waterfalls and the views of the mighty river itself. It is a great place to buy fruit, vegetables, and salmon. See more o