Continue to Stand in the Gap: Clatsop County

Astoria-Megler Bridge
Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you coastlands and you inhabitants of them! Isaiah 42:10

Clatsop County has to be one of the most romantic and historically interesting counties in Oregon. The Lewis and Clark Expedition ended their trek and spent the winter of 1805-06 along the Clatsop County coast. The first settlement in the Pacific Northwest, Astoria, was carved out of the wilderness by the men of John Jacob Astor’s expeditions in 1811 – one overland and one on the ill-fated Tonquin, a ship that sailed around the Horn, but then was attacked by Native Americans north of Astoria and blown up by one of the sailors to prevent the natives from gaining control of it.

Fascinating history includes the stories of the maritime trade before the advent of steamboats, and the kidnapping and shanghaiing of men to sail the ships. There are tales of shipwrecks, and lost treasure – The Goonies was filmed in Astoria, and the remains of the Peter Iredale near Fort Stevens in Clatsop County is one of the most visited and accessible shipwrecks in Oregon – as well as the stories of accomplishments and adventures of people like George Flavel, builder of the now-museum, Flavel House in Astoria.

Clatsop County, OR
You can read more details about Clatsop County and its history here, here, and here.

Clatsop County has a Board of Commissioners with five elected members who serve four-year terms. The Board hires a County Manager to oversee day-to-day operations. The five Commissioners are Mark Kujala, Courtney Bangs, John Toyooka, Pamela Wev, and Lianne Thompson.

The current County Sheriff is Matt Phillips. They are celebrating the first anniversary of their new jail, which has reduced forced releases to zero and enabled the office to supply better medical and substance abuse treatment to inmates.

The current (spring) issue of the Oregon State Sheriffs’ Association magazine features Sheriff Matt Phillips. He is a Clatsop County native and has been employed by the Sheriff’s Office since 2001. Another story in the same magazine tells the story of Clatsop County Sheriff John W. Williams, the first sheriff in Oregon to be killed in the line of duty 125 years ago. Read more here.

Churches in Clatsop County are numerous and include some of the oldest in the state, including the First Presbyterian Church of Astoria. Catholic churches include St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church in Arch Cape, and St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish in Astoria. Astoria Christian Church and Coastline Christian Fellowship are listed as Spirit-filled churches along with a large number of Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Church of Christ, and other denominations. Pray for all the believers in Clatsop County.


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