Continue to Stand in the Gap: Tillamook County

Cloverdale Church, Tillamook County, OR And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. Isaiah 32:18 Tillamook County, just south of Clatsop, is a continuation of the romance and mystery of Oregon’s north coast. It is believed to be one of the first places Sir Francis Drake set foot on the West Coast, and there are fascinating stories of buried treasure and shipwrecks from the 1600s. Neahkahnie Mountain, a headland between the counties of Clatsop and Tillamook, was considered a sacred place by the Tillamook Indians. There have long been rumors of treasure buried there by Spanish sailors, as well as a shipwreck that left huge amounts of beeswax and pottery along the beach just south of the headland. It wasn’t just the Spanish who washed up at the foot of the sacred mountain – Japanese junks and sailors are also rumored to have landed there. Tillamook County, OR Modern-day Tillamook County offers lush rural farms and communitie...