County Spotlight: Clackamas County

Willamette Falls, Clackamas County, OR
This says the Lord: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, For My salvation is about to come…” Isaiah 56:1

Clackamas County is part of the Metro area of Oregon, meaning it is one of the three counties that make up Portland: Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington. However, Clackamas County has other areas of interest as well. The south-eastern portion of the county is largely rural and extends into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.

The county seat is Oregon City. I was born in Oregon City because the hospital was here. My parents were living in those foothills at the time. A couple of years ago I moved to Oregon City and have now learned something about the history. The town was platted, originally, by Dr. John McLoughlin, and his influence is everywhere. The park site where his house and grave are located is a couple of blocks from me. The McLoughlin Promenade is also a couple blocks away and has views of much of his original land claim, including the area around Willamette Falls.

Clackamas County, OR
When researching Dr. McLoughlin, I discovered he was originally buried in the churchyard of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Further research revealed that the original building was down on Main Street, over the bluff in the oldest part of town. When the church decided to move to a new location in 1948, the graves of Dr. and Mrs. McLoughlin were moved in anticipation of the new building being constructed. However, the new building, when it was finally built, was a block further away, leaving the graves across the street from the church. In the 1960’s the graves were moved again to make room for the construction of – my apartment . That is when they were moved to the McLoughlin house site. So, it feels rather like Dr. McLoughlin is all around. Even his home church that he and his wife helped establish in 1843, is right across the street.

A biography was written about Dr. McLoughlin by Fredrick V. Holman in 1907. As many know, he is called “The Father of Oregon.” As the Hudson Bay Company factor, he had enormous power and control over the entire Pacific Northwest before the settlers came. As long as he was in charge there was little trouble between the tribes and the fur trappers. He was both a stern governor and a compassionate and generous leader.

According to the biography, when the first settlers began arriving in the early 1840’s, the Cayuse tribes began talking of “killing the Bostons” (Americans) before the invasion got worse. Dr. McLoughlin, catching wind of this, took steps to ensure they did not follow through with their threats. The first large wagon train of 1843 would not have survived without Dr. McLoughlin’s protection from the natives as well as his material help when they straggled in, starved and sick.

He enabled the Oregon settlers to survive and ensured that Oregon was claimed by the United States. What happened to him due to his generosity and compassion after that is one of the more tragic stories of the state’s founding.

To be continued…

The Clackamas County Board of Commissioners is a five-member board that oversees around 20 departments and 160.3-million-dollar budget. This is a large county with 416,075 population over 1884 square miles with a challenging mix of urban and rural communities. The commissioners currently are Tootie Smith, Sonya Fischer, Paul Savas, Martha Schrader, and Mark Shull. The election being held in a few days may see some changes as Sonya Fischer is being challenged by Ben West, and Paul Savas by Libra Forde.

The County Sheriff is Angela Brandenburg.

How do we pray for Clackamas County?

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.  I Timothy 2:1-2

Pray for the Board of Commissioners, Tootie Smith, Sonya Fischer, Paul Savas, Martha Schrader, Mark Shull, for wisdom as they make decisions on a wide range of issues including homelessness, increased crime, wildfires, population growth. Pray for the candidates running for commission seats, that voters make wise decisions.

Pray for the relationship between Clackamas County and Portland policymakers. Some residents blame the increased crime and homelessness in the county on Portland policies. Pray for good-will and better relationships.

Pray for the County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Brandenburg.




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