A Deeper Look: Josephine County

Josephine County, Oregon Siskiyou Mountains

Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise
. Isaiah 60:18.

Drawing lines around Oregon ‘regions’ is a bit subjective and arbitrary, but it seems safe to put Josephine County in the ‘Southern Oregon’ region, along with Jackson and Klamath. This area lies along the California border and is a mixture of forested mountains and drier climate as we move east toward the high desert ‘Outback’ of Oregon.

Josephine County was established in 1856 from part of Jackson County, and was the last county created before Oregon became a state. The county seat is Grants Pass.

In early days the pioneers traveled the Applegate Trail through this part of Oregon, usually going somewhere else. The land was hilly and heavily forested, so it was an area to get through to get to easier ground – until gold was discovered. Due to the gold rushes and camps set up during those years, the Illinois Valley was also found to be rich farmland, and farms and ranches were established.

Josephine County

Today, the Illinois Valley and other areas in this corner of Southern Oregon are premier places to raise hemp and marijuana. Both are legal in Oregon, and legal marijuana growers are heavily regulated. Due to a convergence of more relaxed laws and regulations, and understaffed and underfunded law enforcement in these counties, the “gold rush” of this century is of illegal marijuana growers. While many counties in Oregon have had instances of illegal grows back in their rural areas, or – in urban areas – indoors, Southern Oregon has been hit hard. This past year Jackson County, next door to Josephine, declared an emergency due to being overwhelmed with criminals coming in to raise illegal marijuana, and the Senator for this district, Cliff Bentz, requested federal assistance to get the situation under control.

During the 1960’s my family left our timberland in rural Clackamas County unattended for several years to follow my dad’s job in Washington State. Trips were made as often as possible to check on the property, but during one visit Dad discovered (and destroyed) a plot of marijuana plants back in the woods, which was totally illegal in those days. What is going on in the rural areas of Josephine County is much more dangerous, as the crops are on a much larger scale, involving hundreds of acres and multiple large greenhouses. Most have ties to cartels from other countries, including Mexico, Russia, Argentina, Bulgaria, and other places. Due to the high volume of water needed for these operations, water quality and quantity are both affected resulting in neighbor’s wells going dry and pollution from unregulated runoff. The cartels steal water, intimidate locals, and have enslaved thousands of illegal immigrants to work the fields and greenhouses, keeping them in inhumane living conditions under threat of violence or harm to their families. A new term coined for these victims is “narco-slavery.” The Oregon Attorney General is spearheading a study on this human trafficking.

During the 2021 summer, law enforcement began teaming up to carry out some large-scale raids, which may have made a dent, but this situation in Josephine County continues to need our prayers.

The primary election is May 17th; the general election November 8th. In Josephine County one County Commissioner position is up for election as well as the County Sheriff.

The County Commissioners currently are Herman E. Baertschiger Jr, Chair; Darin Fowler, ViceChair; and Daniel E. DeYoung.

The County Sheriff is Dave Daniel.

How do we pray for Josephine County?

You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. Psalm 91: 13.

Pray for law enforcement officials and special forces including the Marijuana Enforcement Team and Sheriff Dave Daniel. Pray for their protection and discernment.

Pray for political leaders, including the County Commissioners, but also Cliff Bentz, the US Senator in that district, and the state legislators who can change laws to make Oregon less appealing to outside criminal activity. Pray for the State Attorney General, Ellen F. Rosenblum.

 Pray for wisdom for the voters in the upcoming elections.






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