A Deeper Look: Douglas County

First Presbyterian Church, Roseburg, Oregon

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
 Psalm 51:10

As a prayer focus, the upcoming primary on May 17th and the general election on November 8th have been high on my list. Douglas County has three county commissioners who are all up for election this year. The current commissioners are Chris Bois, Tim Freeman and Tom Kress.

The county surveyor and county assessor are also on the ballot. A county measure to keep in mind is measure 10-185, to expand the Idaho State border to include Douglas County. There have been several votes in Oregon with various counties wanting to be under the authority of Idaho rather than Oregon and is an indication with how dissatisfied people are in some parts of Oregon.

Douglas County Oregon

Douglas County was established in 1852 out of what was Umpqua County. The seat is Roseburg.

A man named Musgrove lived as a squatter in Douglas County in the late 1840’s. His squatter’s rights were acquired by the Rainey brothers who, in turn, sold the land claim to Aaron Rose in 1851. Aaron Rose, born in New York state, had traveled from Michigan to southern Oregon by way of the Applegate trail. The homestead he acquired from the Rainey’s is the site of the present-day city of Roseburg, and he began by building a home that became a store/tavern and inn for travelers. He was apparently a generous man, allowing customers to pay off their credit bills at less than half value, and donating lots and building funds to establish new and needed businesses as well as the first eight churches in Roseburg. He prospered, being a farmer and rancher as well as a tradesman and merchant, owning the New Era flour mills and warehouse.

He donated both land and money to the Oregon and California Railroad in the 1870’s which resulted in the building of a terminus, making Roseburg a shipping hub for most of southern Oregon. The population of the area grew 58% in the ten years after the railroad came.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office is headquartered in Roseburg. The Sheriff is John Hanlin and there is a staff of 100 law enforcement officers and 50 civilians who oversee the 5,132 square miles of the county (one of the ten largest in the state) that stretches from Winchester Bay on the Pacific Ocean to Mt. Thielsen in the Cascade Mountains.

How do we pray for Douglas County?

Peace be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces. Psalm 122:7

Pray for the elections coming up May 17th and November 8th, especially the three County Commissioners, the assessor, and the surveyor.

Pray for the Sheriff, John Hanlin, and the staff for discernment, wisdom and strength to cover the large county and keep everyone safe.

Pray for the churches of Roseburg and the surrounding area.






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