Praying for Oregon Counties: Umatilla

Image by Clarence Alford from Pixabay
The wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will rejoice and blossom like a rose. Isaiah 35:1


We have covered ten of the thirty-six Oregon counties in our blog so far. This week we are looking at the county just to the west of Wallowa and Union Counties in the northeastern section of the state. 


Umatilla County was established in 1862 out of part of Wasco County. Its northern border is the Columbia River. Like many places in Oregon, it was gold that first drew pioneers to the area who then realized the country was a good place to raise cattle. By 1868 the town of Pendleton had become the county seat and remains so. In 1881 the arrival of the railroad made dryland wheat farming practical. Other types of agriculture were limited, however, in an area that grew sagebrush best until the Umatilla Irrigation Project was established early in the 20th century. Then "the desert bloomed" and the economy began to grow, especially in the western section around Hermiston which is known for potatoes, onions, corn and more than 200 other crops – and don’t forget watermelons! 


The county is divided into roughly three regions, the western section (West End) around Hermiston, the area around Pendleton, and the Milton-Freewater neighborhood, which has ties with the Walla Walla area of Washington state. It’s a large county with a dry climate and about 23 people per square mile.


Just southwest of Pendleton is the Umatilla Indian Reservation, established in 1855. The Umatilla, Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes were settled there. Currently Wild Horse Casino is the entertainment and tourist destination in the region with hotels, restaurants and a golf course as well as the casino. Owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes, it is undergoing expansion and growth.


Personally, I know the Pendleton area the best, although not well. And yes, I have family there. The little town of Athena sponsors the annual Caledonia Games every July, (not this year, due to the virus.) And Pendleton is home to the Pendleton Roundup, a longstanding well-known rodeo event. 


Hermiston, on the western side, has experienced the most economic growth in recent years, and is now the largest city in the county – actually, the largest, fastest growing city in eastern Oregon. Like in Crook County, technology has been a boon to the area. Low cost power, the proximity to the junction of I-84 and I-82, the nearness of the Columbia river and other factors have attracted large companies like Amazon, who has built a data center there, as well as Walmart, FedEx and UPS, who have built major distribution centers. It is projected that Hermiston will have three times the population of Pendleton by 2035.


Umatilla County sits centrally located to much of the Pacific Northwest, almost equi-distant to Spokane in the north, Portland to the west and Boise to the east. It seems to have huge potential as the crossroads for shipping and distribution, with access to the Columbia River and major highways. 


How do we pray for Umatilla County?


Like many counties, it has a three person Board of Commissioners. There are two state house districts in Umatilla County: house district 57 (Greg Smith) and 58 (Bobby Levy).

The state senate district is 29 (Bill Hansell). All are Republicans. 


Pray for the leadership of the county. There is much growth, expansion and change especially around Hermiston and on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. 


Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Isaiah 43:19










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