Praying for Those in Authority: Baker County

Baker County, Oregon
I'm asking God for one thing, only one thing: To live with him in his house my whole life long. I'll contemplate his beauty; I'll study at his feet. Psalm 27:4 The Message

We are moving into the Northeast Region of Oregon, which includes Baker, Wallowa, Union, Marrow, Umatilla, and Grant Counties. This is a mountainous and, in many places, isolated corner of Oregon, but with a rich history.

Baker City was named the county seat in 1865 and incorporated in 1874. It is situated at the southern end of Baker Valley, and while thousands heading for the Willamette Valley during the wagon train days passed through this beautiful area, no one stopped to settle until four miners - Henry Griffin, David Littlefield, William Stafford, and G.W. Schriver - found gold in 1861 just a couple of miles from the present settlement.  

Baker County, Oregon
Baker City is a pretty town, with the Elkhorn Mountain Range to the west and the Wallowas to the east. The area has unlimited recreation opportunities with pristine lakes and rivers, miles of hiking trails as well as shopping and dining in the historic towns. Baker City has more than 100 buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.

Hells Canyon, the deepest in the United States, lies along the eastern border of Baker County. The quickest way to get to the county is along I-84, four hours from Portland to the west, or two from Boise, Idaho to the east. Baker County is at the intersection of three Oregon Scenic Byways: Elkhorn Scenic Byway, Hells Canyon Scenic Byway, and Journey Through Time Scenic Byway.

The county is a good place to explore the rich pioneer and Gold Rush history at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker Heritage Museum, Sumpter Valley Railroad, and Sumpter Valley Dredge State Park.

One famous name associated with Baker County is Thomas Franklin Campbell. He is best known as a preacher, educator, and publisher as well as the minister appointed to raise the funds and build the first college – Christian College - at Monmouth, Oregon in 1869. It is now Western Oregon University. His son, Prince Lucien Campbell also became President of the same institution in 1882. After thirteen years in that position, he became president of the University of Oregon for the next twenty-three years.

The elder Campbell, Thomas, before establishing Christian College, served as a preacher in Montana and Oregon, including Halfway, Oregon in Baker County.

Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City, OR

The County Commissioners are Bruce Nichols, Shane Alderson, and Christina Witham

Stefanie Kirby is the County Clerk; Karen Phillips is the Recording Deputy, and Yvonne Nork is, Election Deputy. These make up the County Clerk’s office.

Sheriff Travis Ash is Baker County Sheriff.  The Sheriff’s Office recently acquired a bloodhound puppy to train as a SAR dog. Her name is Daisy with Deputy Chad Mills as handler. It appears she will be a popular and competent addition to the force.




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