County Spotlight: Clackamas County

Willamette Falls, Clackamas County, OR This says the Lord: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, For My salvation is about to come…” Isaiah 56:1 Clackamas County is part of the Metro area of Oregon, meaning it is one of the three counties that make up Portland: Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington. However, Clackamas County has other areas of interest as well. The south-eastern portion of the county is largely rural and extends into the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. The county seat is Oregon City. I was born in Oregon City because the hospital was here. My parents were living in those foothills at the time. A couple of years ago I moved to Oregon City and have now learned something about the history. The town was platted, originally, by Dr. John McLoughlin, and his influence is everywhere. The park site where his house and grave are located is a couple of blocks from me. The McLoughlin Promenade is also a couple blocks away and has views of much of his original land claim, inc...