Praying for Oregon Counties: Marion

Image by David Mark from Pixabay 
While I only live a short distance from the Marion County line, until I began researching for this post, I was unaware Marion County was named for Francis Marion, the Revolutionary War hero from South Carolina known as “The Swamp Fox.” The Disney TV series was one of our favorites when my brother and I were kids. The Provisional Legislature named the county after The Swamp Fox in 1849, but it was originally created in 1843 at the same time as Clackamas. There were four Districts created by that Provisional Legislature, Clackamas, Twality (Washington), Yamhill and Champooick, later renamed Marion. As with Clackamas it was much larger at first, then was reduced to its current size in 1856.

Salem is the county seat. Salem is also the state capital, having been moved there from Oregon City when Oregon became a state in 1852. 

It’s a pretty place, Marion County, very agricultural with lots of farms and orchards. It is also well known for Silver Creek State Park and the Oregon Gardens just outside Silverton. Another historical site in Marion County is Champoeg State Heritage Area, the site of a former settlement where a series of meetings, chaired by the missionary Jason Lee, led to the establishment of the first Provisional Legislature and eventually the establishment of Oregon as a state.

As children we were always on the lookout to spot the golden pioneer at the top of the capital building when we drove through Salem. The location was originally Chemeketa, a Kalapuya name meaning “place of rest.” When Salem was established, they translated this into the Hebrew “peace,” or shalom, which is “Salem” in English.

Currently Salem, as the state capital, is not seeing much rest or peace. Here is where we focus our prayers:

Pray for those in government leadership, for their wisdom and protection, but let’s go beyond that and pray against any evil influences. This is where we step into the gap and build up a hedge of protection around the state capital, and all the decisions made, all the laws passed. 

Matthew 16:19 says, And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

  •        Bind any and all forces of evil off the capital building and the legislature. 
  •     Pray and declare our state free of any agreement with evil or darkness; cancel any plan of the enemy to delude, ensnare or divide the people of Oregon. 
  •     Cast down any plot to undermine or supplant God-given authority. 
  •     Reject and annul any proud thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. 
  •     Pray a hedge of protection around the capital building and that God will continue to bless and prosper Oregon while He exposes evil and corruption.

Finally, I have frequently inserted my own name, or the name of someone I am praying for, into a passage of scripture. This is a legitimate thing to do, and an effective way to pray. From Psalm 122: 6-8:

Pray for the peace of [Salem]:
“May they prosper who love you.
Peace be within your walls,
Prosperity within your palaces.”
 For the sake of my brethren and companions,
I will now say, “Peace be within you.”



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