A Deeper Look: Lake County

Goose Lake, Lake County, OR But He made his own people go forth like sheep, And guided them in the wilderness like a flock. Psalm 78:52 We are looking at a new region this week. The southeastern corner of Oregon is unofficially called the Oregon Outback and is the most uninhabited region in the state. It is traditionally Harney and Malheur with parts of Lake and Klamath counties. We will focus on Lake County , but first we will look at the region as a whole. Statistics can be interesting, and sometimes put things in perspective. The entire state of Oregon is 95,997 square miles. The total area of Lake, Harney, and Malheur Counties is 28,488 square miles. That is roughly 30% of the state by area. Our total population (2022) is 4,259,743. The total population for the three counties is 47,103 (and 31,623 of that is Malheur County). That is a little over 1% of the population of Oregon living on 30% of the land area. The area is high desert, about 4,000 feet in elevation with mountai...