A Deeper Look: Wheeler County

Painted hills, Wheeler County, OR The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose ; Isaiah 35:1 Wheeler has the distinction of being the least populated county in the state. We’ve written about the fascinating geography and outdoor activities here. In most of the United States, the median age is 38.2, which points to the fact that Americans are living longer. In the 70’s the median age was less than 30. In Wheeler County, however, the median age is 56.9 with 34% of the residents over the age of 65. There is a real shortage of young people or young families with children. Meaning? It does not bode well for the economic future of the county, or the succession of the farms and ranches that make up a large part of the economic base. Young people grow up and leave for more populated areas with a wider variety of jobs. Wheeler County, Oregon The county was named for Henry H. Wheeler, a pioneer who was born in Pennsylvan...