A Deeper Look: Benton County

Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon Teach me good judgement and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments . Psalm 119:66 In the early days it was only Linn-Benton Counties along the southern end of the Willamette Valley, all the way across to the ocean. Lincoln County, sectioned off from Benton and Tillamook Counties, didn’t come into being until 1893. We are checking out Benton this time, but as we head west, there is an interesting stop in Linn County just this side of the Benton County line. Oakville Presbyterian Church sits in the middle of beautiful farm county between Corvallis to the northwest and the little unincorporated community of Shedd to the southeast. This congregation has been in existence for 172 years, since 1850, and while the beginning structure was a log cabin, this white, steepled church building is the original one built in 1860 and has been in use continuously. It has undergone renovations during that time, and been moved a few yards, but it is sti...