Oregon History Notes: The Klan

Image by J F from Pixabay … test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world . I John 4:1 Christian revivals, such as the Great Awakening in America that began in 1734, or the revival that began in Wales and touched Portland in 1905, follow interesting patterns. We speak of the revival of 1905, but it actually continued for several years. The Second Great Awakening, which began in 1800, is considered to have lasted for 40 years. The effects of the Portland revival of 1905 continued, at a less dramatic level, into the early part of the century. Changes in society came out of all America’s revivals as the newly awakened Christians placed higher value on morality, family values, law and order. Many hospitals, orphanages and schools were built, inspired by Christian charity and compassion. There is another pattern with revivals. II Corinthians 2:11 says, “we are not ignorant...